The Bay City Rumble Report
By: ADudeNamed Anthony
This picture was taken and edited by "karakarkar".
Darkness falls across the land.
The midnight hour is close at hand.
The foulest stench is in the air.
The midnight hour is close at hand.
The foulest stench is in the air.
The funk of 40,000 years...
eh...I'm not into comes the report:
This picture was taken and edited by "karakarkar".
It's festive, on location and well done, I thought I would share.
Before the report, the following is a link to
a memorial for Ever Dreamscape made by DQ Darwin:
Ever Dreamscape Memorial
October 2nd
Cannonsphere Run
Vehicle: Cars
Host: ADudeNamed Anthony
Winner - First Lag: Rachel Seelowe
Winner - Second Lag: Cheree Shippe
Crossing Ratings:
For Me: D
For Others: F
Rachel and Cheree seem to be winning often lately.
October 9th
Vehicle: Boats
Host: Clockwork Puppet
Host: Clockwork Puppet
Winner - First Lag: Cheree Shippe
Winner - Second Lag: Tam'yn
Crossing Ratings:
For Me: C-
For Others: C
I guess that is why they call it "Havoc".
October 16th
Dennis 500
Vehicle: Cars, Lapped
Host: Benjamin Wahl
First Race: Clockwork Puppet
Second Race: Benjamin Wahl
Third Race: Benjamin Wahl
Crossing Ratings:
For Me: Z-
For Others: D
Ben made this run look like an official race track.
October 23rd:
Airplane Classic
Vehicle: Airplanes
Host: Marianne McCann
Winner - First Lag: Cheree Shippe
Winner - Second Lag: Clockwork Puppet (Fenix Eldritch)
Crossing Ratings:
For Me: B
For Others: B
I had to show Clockwork's original name just so I can say:
"Flight of the Fenix" :-)
"Flight of the Fenix" :-)
October 30th:
Wildcard - Broomstick Race
Vehicle: Broomsticks
Host: Pygar Bu
Winner - First Lag: ADudeNamed Anthony
Winner - Second Lag: Uccie Galway
Crossing Ratings:
For Me: A+
For Others: B
They say I won the second lag,but I think I may have taken a shortcut.
So Miss Bay City won.
And thanks Pygar for doing a rumble!
November's Tentative Schedule:
November 6th: Cannonsphere Run - Cars
November 13th: Boat Run - Water Craft
November 20th: Dennis 500 - Cars, Lapped
November 27th: No race. Thanksgiving is on a Thursday this year. :-P
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